Today is my daughters birthday. This card is for her. She's a big fan of the House-Mouse stamps (it's the mice she loves). She 's the reason I started to work with stamps. Every event I had to buy House-Mouse stamps, later on I bought also other stamps.
close up:
Gebruikte materialen:
Used materials:
* House-Mouse stamp: Helium Ride
* tekst / text: Art Specialy
* Water colour markers Winsor & Newton
* Derwent potloden / pencils
* Stencil Dutch Doobadoo: Clouds
Met deze kaart doe ik ook mee met:
I'm also entering this card at:
* House-Mouse & Friends Monday Challenge: Anything goes
* Simon Says Stamp Wednesdaychallenge: Anything goes
Groetjes / Greetings