
vrijdag 4 oktober 2024

Liefs / Love


De bloem gestempeld en daarna masker op gelegd. Dan de stencil geplaatst en met 2 kleuren inkt ingekleurd. De bloem ingekleurd met water colour markers.

Stamped the flower and then placed the mask on it. Then places the stencil and colored it with 2 colors of ink. Colored the flower with water colour markers.

Gebruikte materialen / Used materials:
* Penny Black stamp : Charming
* zelfgemaakt stencil : Liefs / Homemade stencil : Liefs = Love
* Distress Oxide ink
* Winsor & Newton water colour markers

Met deze kaart doe ik mee bij:
I'm entering this card at:

* Allsorts Challenge Blog: Week 800 : Anything goes



5 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful card, Yvette. The design is so pretty. Thank you for joining in the Allsorts 800th Challenge this week.
    Liz xx

  2. How lovely and a little bit different, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts 800th challenge.

    B x

  3. Zo mooi! Eenvoudig en CaS en met goed stempelwerk; altijd gaaf! Groetjes, Gerrina

  4. Very pretty indeed. I love this floral card.

    Thanks for joining in at Allsorts' 800th Challenge. xxx


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